
All New & Old Members Of Room Are All Our Friendz NO ONE ALLOW To Talk Rubbish With New Users 

we want good friendz what ever they are grlz or boyz we want only friendz Not USERS bcz\ we will soon get n got users but not friendz 

If any admin is in there on chatroom not use there admin control to show himself a grreat in front of any guy

atleast 3 times we will try to stop from kick to any guy who is on our chatroom which are using abusing,rubbish,or bad language then after 3 times admin are allowed to ban he/she for 5 days 

I m telling u about my self that have a rule in my life that !!! Give respect and get respect !!! if any girl in our chatroom is same like my sister and i will never bear that any boy try to tease my sister in our society thats a huge problem is that every one seek girlz only as there girlfriend and lover etc..............! but they all never think that girlz are same like there sisters i also know that some girlz are also cheap character like that but its their own matter and thats there own cheap_less background....................! i.e the most important rule ok bcz i want when ever we r not in a chatroom users in a chatroom didn?t feel admins are not in a room and we will now do our own choice in a room ........................!